„Welcome Party“ Review

Hello everyone,
here is a small flashback:

on the 23rd of October our „Chinesisch in Siegen“-Group and the International Office held a small welcome party for new chinese students and everyone interested in Chinese culture.
There were also drinks and snacks, which were sponsored by the International Office, so thank you so much!

Some members of our group (Emma, Kahui, Meng and Claudia) had prepared some presentation about different topics.
Moreover Markus Berkenkopf from the International Office answered questions from the new student and helped with advice.

After the presentation all students spent the time together to chat, make new friends etc.
All in all I think it was a nice and successful event (There were more students than expected o.O!).
I hope we can make such an event next year, too.

Sorry for my bad english…
Without further addo, here some photos:

Youtube Channel – Offthegreatwall


this will be just a short post entry.
Today I want to recommend you a really funny yet informative youtube channel.
It’s called offthegreatwall, they post parodies about stereotypes, short movies etc. about chinese culture.
I think it will be interesting for both Chinese people and Non-chinese people.

They have already so much videos, and they upload even more videos regularly.
You should check them out.
So here is the latest video up to now:

Let me know what you think about it ^^

Jian dui [煎堆] – Sesame ball

Today I want to introduce a delicious asian food: Jian Dui or (Zin1 Deoi1 in Cantonese), aka Sesame balls.
Besides in China and Honkong, I know Jian Dui is also a common food in Vietnam
According to wikipedia it’s even common in Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Wow, didn’t know that Jian Dui was this international!

Since the description in Wikipedia is quite okay, let me copy and paste it XD:

Jian dui is a type of fried Chinese pastry made from glutinous rice flour. The pastry is coated with sesame seeds on the outside and is crisp and chewy. Inside the pastry is a large hollow, caused by the expansion of the dough. The hollow of the pastry is filled with a filling usually consisting of lotus paste (蓮蓉), or alternatively sweet black bean paste (hei dousha, 黑豆沙), or less commonly red bean paste (hong dousha, 紅豆沙).

My mum likes to use golden mung bean paste for the filling.
If you ever get the chance to eat Jian Dui, I recommend you to give it a try ^^
So, finally here’s a photo of selfmade Jian Dui (unfortunately in LQ, and no photo of the filling ;P)

Jian Dui
P.S As always, please excuse my bad English…

The Great Wall of China

Have you ever heard of the famous Great Wall of China? I believe you do! :-) The Great Wall was first built to defense the intrusion from the north in 220–206 BC by the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, in Qin Dynasty. Since then, the Great Wall has on and off been rebuilt, maintained, and enhanced for hundreds of years. It was a tremendous fabulous project, that almost goes from the very west till the very east of China. It measures more than 6,259 km (3,889 mi). It costed countless money, resource, and lives of millions of people. So that’s why there is never gonna be such a project in nowadays. When the Great Wall was under construction, people just carried the stones, bricks and earths by their hands and many people died. Then their corpses also became a part of the Great Wall.

There is a legend tale about the Great Wall has been spread for hundreds of years. It is one of four most beautiful and sad love stories of ancient China. This legendary story of Meng Jiang Nv is known to all in China.
During Qin dynasty, most men in the country were forced by the emperor Qinshihuang to build the Great Wall. Those who were forced to leave home to build the walls could barely stay alive.
There is a young lady named Meng Jiang Nv who was just married with her husband Fanqiliang. On the third night after their wedding, Fanqiliang was forced to build the Great Wall. A few days later, Fanqiliang died because of biter hunger and overwork. When the days got cold, Meng Jiang Nv worried about her husband and decided to look for her husband while sending him winter clothes. She walked for thousands of kilometers, conquered all the difficulties on the trip and finally arrived at the Great Wall. What she only got was the bad news that her husband had died and his body was still under the walls. She was totally heartbroken by the news and wept very sadly at the foot of the walls. For the entire three days and night, she had never stopped weeping. Even the heaven was moved by her tears and the nearby tens of kilometers of walls began to collapse. When the wall collapsed, numerous dead bodies began to show up. She broke her finger and let the blood drop drip to the dead bodies. She prayed that the blood would permeate into the body if it was her husband’s body, instead the blood would flow away. In this way, Meng Jiang Nv had finally found the body of her husband and wept sadly at it.



This is a sculpture of Meng Jiang Nv.  And a picture demonstrated the story of Meng Jiang Nv weeping down the Great Wall.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Wall_of_China
2. http://www.beijingimpression.cn/)

Hope you enjoy the story and the introduction to the Great Wall

„Das Konzert der Konzerte“ – A concert for oboe and zheng

Are you interested in classical Chinese music?
Then this concert might just be right for you:
On  July 6 there is going to be a concert for oboe and zheng in Düsseldorf, at the Partikal-Saal der Robert Schuhmann Hochschule!

And the best thing about it: The entry is completely free!
For more information about the concert, download the pdf here

Don’t know what a zheng is? Well, to be honest, also I didn’t know.
But I’m sure everyone have seen this instrument before ^^


P.S This is my first post, so please forgive my poor English XD

Stammtisch am 12.06.

Beim nächsten Stammtisch erzählt uns Emma Zh. etwas zu dem chinesischen Drachenbootfest 端午節 (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drachenbootfest), welches am Mittwoch stattfindet und bringt auch einige Zongzi 粽子 mit.
Außerdem können wir schon erste, kleinere Gruppen bilden, die fortan gemeinsam Themen bilingual erarbeiten und beim Stammtisch vorbereiten.

Wer wir sind.

Jede individuelle Ansicht eröffnet
eine einzigartige Perspektive auf eine größere Realität.
Wenn ich die Welt „mit Ihren Augen“ sehe,
und Sie die Welt „mit meinen Augen“ sehen,
werden wir beide etwas erkennen,
was wir allein niemals entdeckt hätten.

(Peter Senge, Die fünfte Disziplin, 1996)

Die Idee für diese Gruppe entstand in einem Chinesisch-Sprachkurs, welcher vom KoSi der Universität Siegen angeboten wurde. Da vorerst kein weiterer Kurs auf entsprechend höherem Niveau folgen sollte, kam die Frage auf, was man machen könne, um die gerade erlernten Kenntnisse nicht direkt wieder zu vergessen. Zwar gab es die Möglichkeit der Tandem-Sprachpartnerschaften, jedoch aus diversen Gründen meist ohne allzu große Aussichten auf Erfolg.
Seit es in Siegen viele chinesische Studenten gibt, welche gerne ihre Deutschkenntnisse aufpolieren würden oder auch einfach mehr Leute kennenlernen und etwas in Siegen und Umgebung unternehmen möchten, erschien ein regelmäßiges Treffen und Austauschen von chinesischen und deutschsprachigen Studenten nur konsequent.
Also wurde an einem Sonntagnachmittag die Gruppe auf Facebook gegründet und fleißig interessierte Freunde eingeladen. Nach nur 3 Tagen fanden sich dort bereits über 20 Mitglieder wieder.
Nachdem wir am Mittwoch, den 17. April 2013 unseren ersten Stammtisch im Schwarzen Schaf, Siegen hatten, fanden die letzten Wochen regelmäßig neue Treffen statt. Selbst am Anfang starteten wir überraschenderweise schon mit 14 Teilnehmern. Nach einem Monat hatte die eigens angelegte Facebook-Gruppe dann bereits 50 Mitglieder.
Inzwischen sind die Tische in den Restaurants zu klein für unsere Gruppe geworden und es gab ein erstes Brainstorming über den weiteren Verlauf in den Räumen unserer Universität. Die Vorschläge reichten von interdisziplinären Gruppenarbeiten mit Vorträgen in Deutsch/Chinesisch über Ausflüge in andere Städte und Treffen mit ähnlich aufgestellten Gruppen bis hin zu Film- und Karaoke-Abenden.
Des weiteren fand die Idee des gemeinsamen Kochens regen Anklang, ein kurzfristig initiiertes Grillen am 1. Mai hatte sich bereits als voller Erfolg herausgestellt.
Nun hoffen wir auf viele weitere spannende Treffen, einen regen interkulturellen Austausch und neue Freundschaften.







成立这个小组的想法来源于 “锡根大学能力培养中心(KoSi)”提供的中文课。由于当时没有适合更高水平的中文课,问题出现了,怎样才能不轻易丢掉刚刚学到的知识呢?虽然可以通过找语伴练习,但由于种种原因,通常没有太大成效。



在2013年4月17日,我们在锡根的Schwarzes Schaf餐厅举行了第一次Stammtisch,之后,又在接下来的几周内定期举行活动。第一次聚会时,我们惊喜地发现已经有14人参加。一个月之后,专门创建的Facebook群内已达到50名成员。



